Pregnancy Weight Watching Tips

Posted 10:32 AM by Alina Hasni in Labels: ,

Hello ladies, today cynicalmd will be uncovering the tips towards maintaining proper weight during your pregnancy period.

During pregnancy, your calorie intake should only be increased by 300(kcal) a day for the average woman. But how do we calculate our calories? Please click here for explanation.

Weight gain plan (how much to gain in total for the whole 9 months 10 days pregnancy):

a)underweight at pregnancy: gain around 12-18 kg.

b)overweight at pregnancy: gain only 7-11 kg.

Note: to check whether you are underweight or overweight, please click here. (if you want your units in cm and kg, please click the metric tab on the upper right of the calculator)

How to spread weight gain during pregnancy:

Weight gain should be around 1.5 kg the first trimester (12 weeks pregnant) and ;
around 2 kg A MONTH for the remaining time.

REMEMBER: Excess weight gain is hard to lose after pregnancy because your body's fat increases up to one third during pregnancy.Breast feeding burns 500 or more calories per day making it easier to lose weight.


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